Cleanse your home with this powerful combination of white sage and "royal" sage. Each has a different scent, but they are both spicy. Sage works well to cleanse your home from negative energy. Cleaning your environment with herbs is called smudging. The ritual is thought to be thousands of years old and still loved.
Smudging; meaning and origin
The most famous culture that spread the use of smudging was probably that of the Native Americans (Indians). The purpose of smudging is to dispel evil spirits, thoughts and energies. There was a legend among the Indians that herbs such as white sage were said to chase away evil spirits. Evil spirits could not tolerate the smell of white sage.
Smudging is now also popular in Europe: many people enjoy regular smudging ceremonies to clean their homes.
White sage and royal sage; benefits
White sage and royal sage (raspberry-colored flowers) have roughly the same cleansing effect. The scents of these two types complement each other well. Sage frees your home from negative energy. The intense scent also works well to repel mosquitoes and remove unwanted odors.
Your smudging ceremony: how do you proceed?
Ready for your own smudging ritual with white and royal sage? Then you can get started like this:
Always make sure that the smudging stick is away from flammable items such as curtains. After lighting the herbs, stay close by until they burn out.
Burning time: 1-2 hours
Purpose: purification
Smell: fresh
In the package: 1 piece ≈ 10 cm